With our first issue of the year on its way from the printers, here’s a few words of what you can expect in no. 2. It’s a special issue on the relationship between Hollywod and the Nordic cinemas. This is how the guest editors themselves, Pietari Kääpä and Tommy Gustafsson, present their issue:

Hollywood and the Norden

Nordic cinema is receiving increased prestige in academic studies as well as in the global marketplace. However, one area remains largely unexplored: the relationship between Hollywood and the Nordic cinemas. Our next issue is designed to unravel the typical binary paradigm consisting of hegemonic Hollywood and its European/Nordic counterparts. By emphasizing the heterogeneous and not-always compatible modes of interactions, the articles discuss encounters with Hollywood from a range of perspectives, such as the often critiqued tendency of Hollywood studios to adapt ‘difficult’ art house material for wider audiences; how diverse Nordic directors such as Danish Tomas Vinterberg and Finnish Renny Harlin have ventured into the Hollywood system; and the fact that cultural influences always go both ways, exemplified by analysis of films such as I am Curious Yellow (1967) and Dead Snow (2009), thereby undermining the indigenous basis for the concept of national cinemas.

Out in May. Subscribe here.

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