The Rhythm of Real Life: Michał Chmielewski on Roving Woman

By Savina Petkova. I think in the long take, we observe the rhythm of real life…. if we would cut between different emotional states, it would be artificial.” It would be reductive to call Roving Woman, the debut feature by Polish filmmaker Michał Chmielewski simply a road movie. That it […]

We Need to Talk About Yu-ning: Nelicia Low on Pierce

By Yun-hua Chen. We are nothing if not thorough in our deception of others.” –Oyinkan Braithwaite, My Sister, the Serial Killer Nelicia Low’s Pierce is a poignant portrayal of deception, a kind of deception that one falls into willingly out of blood bonding, also reminiscent of We Need to Talk […]

A Warden and Actors: An Interview with Filmmaker Nima Javidi

By Ali Moosavi. I prefer films and novels in which a character who plays a critical part in the story is mainly absent.” With just two feature films and a TV series under his belt, writer-director Nima Javidi has established himself in the upper echelons of Iranian cinema. He got […]

Dreams Remastered: On the 4K Remaster of Burden of Dreams (1982)

By William Blick. Les’ combination of integrating nature and the indigenous people and the story of the burden of Werner’s dream, all these elements make for a really compelling story, and in such a sensitive and poetic way.” –Harrod Blank Harrod Blank, Nick Bergh, and Anthony Matt discuss the new […]

Flight in Search of Asylum: On In the Land of Brothers

By Yun-hua Chen. People often say there are more important problems in Iranian society and no time to discuss [the Afghan refugee crisis]. That’s not a good excuse.” –Alireza Ghasemi Filmmakers Raha Amirfazli and Alireza Ghasemi discuss their new feature Stemming from profound concerns and affection for Afghan refugees who […]

Danse Macabre: Filmmaker Karen Arthur on The Mafu Cage (1978)

By Alexandra Heller-Nicholas. I find that there is an emotional energy in a theater piece [the basis for The Mafu Cage] and that the relationships are so much stronger and more connected. I always use the concept that you have to see in film and so therefore I took the […]

Peoples’ Heroes: David Webb Peoples on The Blood of Heroes (1989)

By Danny Stewart. While Rollerball was an inspiration [when writing the film in the 1970s], another major one was Rocky, [which] focused more on endurance, courage, and the punishment the main character endured rather than his skill.” –David Webb Peoples The interview below was excerpted from Saluting The Blood of Heroes: Behind The […]