“Playing Innocent Would Have Meant Lying”: From the Introduction to Christian Petzold: Interviews

By Marco Abel, Aylin Bademsoy, and Jaimey Fisher. The following is an excerpt from the Introduction to our volume of interviews with German filmmaker Christian Petzold, entitled Christian Petzold: Interviews and published in the University Press of Mississippi’s Conversation with Filmmakers series. We thank UPM for permission to reprint this […]

Approaching the Unknowable “Others” – Comic Drunks, Crazy Cults, and Lovable Monsters: Bad Behavior on American Television

A Book Review by M. Sellers Johnson. While Diffrient advances contemporary television scholarship…readers will also find this book to be light, entertaining, and likely relatable to modern TV consumers’ apparent affinity for dubious moral ethics.” Within our televised small screens and the world they inhabit, bad behavior persists in social […]

Terror and the Family: An Interview with Brad Anderson on Blood

By Ali Moosavi. What drew me to Blood was that I could play the family drama aspect of it, the torment that this mother is going through, her struggle to keep her kids healthy and safe, along with the darker supernatural subtext.” Director Brad Anderson may not be as well […]

A Total Vision: The Twilight Zone by Barry Keith Grant (TV Milestone Series)

“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” (1.22, 4 March 1960) A Book Review by Ali Moosavi. Grant states that his aim was to ‘offer the most productive and comprehensive account of The Twilight Zone possible.’ He has undoubtedly succeeded….” The Twilight Zone, created by Rod Serling, is undoubtedly one […]