By Celluloid Liberation Front. ‘Representation is a denial of participation’ (Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi in The Green Book) ‘They can sneer all they like, I’ll keep the 15000 extra copies’ (Keith Rupert Murdoch) Slap the Monster on Page One gave the title to Marco Bellocchio’s film about media manipulation of social […]
The Efficacy of Vacuity: Deciphering The Quiet Art of Keanu Reeves
By Alexander Kirschenbaum. There is something to be said for instinct as a crucial acting tool. Cinematic acting is as much a passive and reactive art as it is an assertive one. So much of the story can be conveyed in frame composition, editing, and visual and aural mise-en-scene, that […]
Film International 51: coming soon
I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Insane cinema ‘Psychiatry quit defining madness after widespread experiments exposed shocking errors in diagnosis. Sanity is indexed to reality but reality is cultural and transient, of no fixed abode. ‘Well adjusted’ to what: 1930s Berlin or 1960s […]
Liverpool Arabic Film Festival (LAFF) 2011
By Omar Kholeif, Film Programme Curator. Curatorial Statement FACT is delighted to announce its expanded collaboration with the Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival (LAAF), with the first formal incarnation of the Liverpool Arabic Film Festival (LAFF). Presenting a broad programme of new film releases alongside re-mastered classics, the programme presents hard-hitting […]
Film Scratches Blog #2
By Liza Palmer, Review Section Editor. Welcome to June 2011! I am so pleased to see how the new Film International website has been developing. Thanks to all your hard work and excellent contributions, the site is becoming an excellent resource for all things related to film. I’m particularly excited […]
CFP: Short Film Studies (2.2)
Read below or download the PDF Aims & Scope: Short Film Studies is a peer-reviewed journal designed to stimulate ongoing research on individual short films as a basis for a better understanding of the art form as a whole. In each issue, two or three short films will be selected […]
Does anyone have or know of any copy at all, home-made or otherwise, of the 1987 TV mini-series HOOVER VS THE KENNEDYS: THE SECOND CIVIL WAR? If so, please get in touch, as I’m looking to buy a copy for research. Gary McMahon ( COPY FOUND! THANK YOU. Previous […]
Billboards for Geeks
By Jamie Isbell. How has projection mapping made such an impact on audiences? And, with increasing numbers of brands adopting the advertising method, is it a bright future for the digital delight? Or an already exhausted gimmick destined for a dusty shelf? In plumes of digital fabric the angular relics […]
Bin Laden leaves Suddenly
By Rajko Radovic. Bin Laden lies at the bottom of the ocean, yet the jungle of shadowy networks and lethal plots he had left behind is still breathing with the night. His scarred body sleeping with fish is shrouded in mafia style mystery. There is no doubt now he is […]
The BANANAS!* story
By Daniel Lindvall. With the controversial documentary Bananas!*finally getting its official US premiere, in New York, 8 May, 2011, we republish here our editorial from Film International 41, vol. 7, no. 5, 2009, which sums up the story, up until that time, of the multinational Dole corporations lawsuit against the […]